What is the Route 66 Stimulus Project?
Let me first tell you what it isn’t. It is NOT a government program. Nor is it one where anyone and everyone can line up for free money…or a hand-out.
Let me tell what IT IS. It’s a grass roots, community involvement, in this case the Route 66 Community, along with folks that want to keep our beloved Road alive.
By Jim Conkle

As a TEAM we are offering our hand to support and honor our business friends, as they strive to get thru the COVID-19 crisis – one they did not cause yet are the victims of. Many of them depend on the travel-tourism for as much as 90% of their income.
That income is now at ZERO. Read that word again. There is NO business. What little there is, is not enough to sustain their business. Our goal is to add a little to their bank accounts to cover some expenses now. An even bigger goal is to show these folks that they are not alone and that their customers/clients want to see them stay in business.
For most roadies that are unable to go on the road to visit these places, our only contact is thru the internet on social media. This stimulus project came about to respond to assist both sectors, businesses and roadies. Sort of a Virtual shopping trip. Staying at motels and eating at diners might not be possible yet we can still support them by buying vouchers for future use.
For those that sell merchandise we can buy on-line. The basic concept of our stimulus project is to provide each location with a custom design, one of a kind, limited numbered, signed edition artwork. These become collector’s items. A simple way to support these businesses with NO cost to them. All proceeds go direct into their accounts, there is no one in the middle taking a cut.

The question is WHY a stimulus project? That is an easy answer, if you are a roadie and member of the Route 66 Community. And made memories and friends at these businesses. We might leave them our money but we take away something that adds to our lives, fond memories-new friends and unawareness of what life it truly all about.
There is no selection committee and the project is open to anyone that could benefit from this project. We are open to anyone and everyone that needs a Boast and is willing to work with us. Our goal is to make a difference now and tomorrow. Keeping the love, respect and admiration we, all feel towards each other alive and well within the Route 66 Community. Locally, nationally and internationally.
Our hope is that this grassroots movement will grow and expand to other areas.
One of the elements of this project is to have on-line auctions for each location we showcase. Our first one is the Mid-Point Café & Gift Shop.
As in all things new we are refining, redesigning and making adjustments as we move forward.